The Serama, also called the Malaysian Serama, is a bantam breed of chicken originating in Malaysia within the last 50 years.
The Serama chicken may be small but they have a big personality. These tiny chickens are better to be kept inside an indoor aviary since they do not tolerate cold temperatures. They can do just as well in an outside aviary as long as the temperature does not drop below 40°F. These little bird lay tiny eggs and can make great mothers if you want to try your hand at hatching. Just be warned that some have fertility issues and the eggs can be difficult to hatch.
Seramas are very small chickens that only stand 6-10 inches tall. They stand very upright with their chests thrust out, heads held high and tail feathers at attention. The back of the bird is very short and there is almost no room between the neck and tail feathers. These tail feathers are held almost vertically to the body and rise up above the head. As for color there are a variety to choose from including black, white and orange. They are not bred for color so the color palette can be widely variable. Also, they may not breed true to color.
Most of my birds have come from Grady Taylor.
Added Silked Seramas
The Serama chicken may be small but they have a big personality. These tiny chickens are better to be kept inside an indoor aviary since they do not tolerate cold temperatures. They can do just as well in an outside aviary as long as the temperature does not drop below 40°F. These little bird lay tiny eggs and can make great mothers if you want to try your hand at hatching. Just be warned that some have fertility issues and the eggs can be difficult to hatch.
Seramas are very small chickens that only stand 6-10 inches tall. They stand very upright with their chests thrust out, heads held high and tail feathers at attention. The back of the bird is very short and there is almost no room between the neck and tail feathers. These tail feathers are held almost vertically to the body and rise up above the head. As for color there are a variety to choose from including black, white and orange. They are not bred for color so the color palette can be widely variable. Also, they may not breed true to color.
Most of my birds have come from Grady Taylor.
Added Silked Seramas